
the exit.

There are plenty of possibilities for a grand exit from the church after you are declared Mr. and Mrs. Your guests can blow bubbles or throw lavendar or bird seed. Or there are always less environmentally friendly options like balloon releases and throwing rice (which I think makes the birds explode or something equally unpleasant). Another option is to wave ribbon streamers. My favorite idea so far is to throw little pom pom balls, like they did at this wedding I found on Life. Love. Lipstick.
I'm not sure if we'll do any sort of fancy exit from the church, and to be honest I can't remember ever being a part of an exit like this at any wedding I've been to, but it could be fun! And I'd definitely go with the pom poms.
Photos by Millie Holloman.


Christine said...

I love the idea and it's really unusually :-)
It'll be fun - for the guests and for you. And they won't hurt *smile*

Anonymous said...

let's throw alka seltzer. awesome for the birds.

Bridechka said...

The pom poms are such a cute idea!