
an overdue post.

So I'm fairly certain that with less than two months to go, I've never actually posted about my color scheme. I'm sure you could figure it out based on some of my other posts (like the bridesmaids dresses, groomsmen attire, etc.) but I never officially posted about it. To tell you the truth, I was too lazy to find the correct shades of all the colors and put them together. Don't ask me why, because it probably would have taken all of five minutes, but I didn't do it. But yesterday when I checked my mail, my color scheme was sitting right there on the front page of the Crate and Barrel Fall Preview catalog. So I figured since they put it together for me, I might as well share it with all of you!


Plum purple, teal blue, olive green, and white. That would be our color scheme friends! Apparently it is on trend at the moment, which is funny since I picked it out last summer. It's also funny because several people have given me looks like "are you sure?" or say things like "oh, that's interesting" when I tell them about our colors. If Crate and Barrel thinks it's cool, then I'm cool with it too. How about you?

Did you find your color scheme to be more "on trend" than you expected? I'll admit it's kind of nice, since now it's not so hard to find things in these colors to use for decor purposes!


Confessions of a Northern Belle said...

LOVE your colors! Mine was inspired by my love for Christma. Haha!

Christine said...

Those colors are great together and not as usual as some others. Really like it :-)

LauraAnn said...

Love your color scheme! I cannot wait to see pictures of your color scheme when you get married!

Molly said...

This is fantastic, I think it is a sign that you need a lounge area at the reception to have these lovely pillows there. Love Ya, and have fun next weekend!

Bridechka said...

Love your colors! Very rich.

We don't really have a color scheme, I figure it will develop on its own :)

Pug(s) and Bugg said...

OOO I saw this and thought how great it looked together... how weird to see it on your blog today!!!! Can't wait to see it all come together!

{The Perfect Palette} said...

We're loving this color scheme!

{The Perfect Palette} said...

we're loving this color scheme! Such a perfect palette :)

Jen said...

Gorgeous colors. Very similar to our wedding, except without the teal. I love the teal, though! Can't wait to see pictures of your wedding when everything is all said and done!! :-)


I got my catalog in the mail the other day and thought what a great wedding palette that would make! Love it!!!