
something old.

Every bride knows the little rhyme that tells them what they must carry with them on their wedding day. I thought I'd share one of my wedding day items with you all and the story behind it.

One of the first (of many) photos I had clipped out of a wedding magazine was this bouquet from Modern Bride.
I fell in love with the cameo that the bride had attached to her bouquet, in honor of her late grandmother.

My lovely future-mother-in-law must have seen this picture in my wedding binder, because a few months ago she gave me this beautiful cameo and told me that I could attach it to my bouquet just like I'd seen in my inspiration photo.
She told me that she wore this on her wedding day, which made it even more special to me. And I'm honored to be carrying it with me down the aisle as my "something old".

What are you using as your "something old"?


Julia said...

that is lovely. Not sure what my something old will be at this stage - no real options have presented themselves, though I'm hoping my mum or gran will come to the rescue!

LauraAnn said...

That cameo is beautiful! That was so sweet and thoughtful of your future mother-in-law to give that to you for your wedding bouquet!

Nicole-Lynn said...

That bouquet is beautiful :)

Dona and Tony said...

My something old is my grandmother's engagement ring and wedding band which fits perfectly on my right ring finger.

Melissa said...

That was very sweet of your future MIL. My something old was a broach that had belonged to my Grandma Brown which pinned my something blue, a heart-shaped piece of fabric from one of my father's old blue shirts, to the tulling of my wedding dress.

Heidi said...

That is so pretty! I'm wearing my Nana's pearl ring. She actually chose for me to have it before she passed away.

Christine said...

The cameo is lovely :-)
I'll wear my grandmother's ring she passed to me for this special day...

Marissa said...

What a beautiful cameo!

My "something old" will be a glass button from the vest that FI's great-grandfather wore at his own wedding. It's been carried by brides in his family ever since. :o)