
dress dilemma.

I'm having trouble deciding which route to go with the bridesmaid's dresses. I had everyone pick their first and second color choices out of the three, and it ended up as alternating blue and purple. So I'm considering just using the 2 color dresses and then having the guys wear green ties. The other option is adding a couple green dresses in the mix and having the guys wear purple ties. I'd like to get the dresses ordered ASAP so I need help making this decision. Which do you prefer?
Photoshopped images by my lovely sister Dani, or "MOH" as she likes to call herself.


Dona and Tony said...

I almost like the purple/blue dresses with the green ties better. It's a little cleaner I think but still different and fun. I do like the green dresses too so I don't think you'd go wrong either way. I think the two tone dresses would look nice in pictures, and it would be easy to match flowers without looking too over the top.

Anonymous said...

I like the three colors together, best. I think they compliment each other very nicely. However, should you go with two colors, I would find the combination lovely, as well. As for the men's ties, I prefer the green ties (...um, I like green, apparently). They are more neutral than the purple, but definitely stylish.

Dona and Tony said...

I agree with Angelie. If you go with all three colors for the dresses you should still do green ties for the groomsmen. I think the green contrasts well against the black.